Guest Blogging – One of the Link Building Strategies

Guest Blogging - One of the Link Building Strategies

Link building is a strategy to improve the ranking of a website in search engines. Link promotion is the basis of a high-quality and sustainable result. It is it that allows you to win over the search engines and provide relevant, voluminous, and constant traffic.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a great method, especially if you need to build link building for the Western Internet audience. But here you need to take into account the nuances:

  1. On the one hand, guest blogging allows you not only to earn backlinks but also to reach a much larger number of users, which is equally important for improving the ranking of a website.
  2. On the other hand, poor-quality blogging will not bring any results, and you will only waste your time and money.

The advantages and disadvantages of this strategy must be considered.

Among the pluses:

  • target audience coverage;
  • attracting leads (potential customers);
  • increasing brand loyalty;
  • the opportunity to tell in detail about yourself.


  • it is often quite expensive; few people will publish an article for free;
  • if you choose the wrong blog, you will not get any results;
  • you need to create unique, high-quality, and truly useful content, which also needs to be spent on.If you have thought of all the advantages and disadvantages of this method and nevertheless decided to take up guest posting, a logical question will arise in your head: “Where can you find opportunities for publishing materials?”

You have two options here:

  1. The first is to go to sites like Spark or Medium and publish your article here for free. But on these platforms, it’s very easy to get lost among the vast array of other authors.
  2. The second is to do a good google and find blogs and online magazines that are relevant to your site. Naturally, you are unlikely to be able to publish in popular magazines for free. But there you will be provided with powerful information support.

Nuance – when publishing your materials on other blogs, do not forget to ask the owners to leave the opportunity to track the link. It is impossible to build link building without links, as well as track its effectiveness if blog owners have removed the ability to track links.

Play on the ego of users

This clever technique will allow you not only to earn traffic but also to raise your authority. It consists of creating content that will please the ego of your chosen goal, for which you will receive a link in return.

The main task is to ensure that the goal is to share your site or post and “feed” your link mass with new links.

Here are some examples of this technique:

  1. Mention: Cite opinion leaders or mention them in your story. This will grab their attention and you will have a chance for a response. Don’t forget to notify the target of the mention.
  2. Interview: Sometimes opinion leaders may seem out of reach, but they are not. Many people easily make contact.
  3. Collecting opinions: Asking several important personalities for their opinion on a particular topic, you will receive great informative material that will appeal to both users and search engines.

Picture Credit: Unsplash